Sand Mix Mullar
Sand Mix Mullar |
Pithwa, Mix Muller is most Popular in Foundry World. Its Principal to Work better in Minimized Time.
Having Sturdy Chasis Built by Heavy M.S. Section for Contenious Heavy and Hard use. Roller made by Heavy and more wide M.S. Plate or better Mixing in Less Time. Central Bracket made by Heavy M.S. Plate, Which Carries Scrapers and Mulling Roller main Shaft is Coupled with Reduction Gear Box Driven By Electric Motor With V-belt as a Safety measure. The Scrapers and Roller Specially Design or Total Mixing , Nothing Remains Unmix. No of Right and Heavy Duty Bearing to Maintain Smooth Running and Less Power Consumption. Installation and Maintenance is very Simple. More tonnage in low cost. Most useful for foundry, Abrasive, Powder, Ceramics, Detergent, Minerals, Foods Paints, Masala & Brequiting Plant. |
Capacity : 50 Kgs., 75 Kgs., 100 Kgs., 150 Kgs., 250 Kgs., 500 Kgs., 1000 Kgs. |